800 - 2:27 (2012)
1600 - 5:20 (2012)
3200 - 11:29 (2012)
2 Mile: 11:34 (2012)
5K: 19:07 (2009) (Trying to break 19 soon, I run 2 miles in cross country so I don't race this distance often. I will probably do a road race soon to see where I am at for this distance)
10K: 40:45 (2009) (I want to do PR for 10k soon, I haven't done an official race for a few years)
Half Marathon: 1:26:29 (2012)
Major Goals for 2012:
1600: 5:15 or under
3200: 11:15 (under if it's possible this season!)
5K: 18:30 or under
10K: 38 something
What are your goals for 2012?